Um. So. I’m like REALLY busy with projects. We’re at our big push to get things completed by late May/early June for summer fun ☀️ on the lake. But that didn’t stop us from doing a thing…
Yup, those are our bottle lambs, Rosie and Rusty. We’re just fostering until they are big enough to go back to the farm, but at this point, in our 2nd year of fostering, we’re basically professional lamb mommies. Bottle Lambs are a LOT of work at first, but they are also SO fun. NO ONE can be mad, sad, stressed, grumpy when a teeny lamb is jumping, running or even snuggling with you. Our sweet little Rusty-boy was a preemie, so he took quite a bit of extra work and some nights sleeping with him to keep him warm before he decided he’d take life by the horns and survive. I’ve been struggling with my twins turning 15 this year – but reliving the newborn stages this last week with “the lambs” has been a good reminder that I’d rather have 2 almost driving than waking me through the night. It’s also been a good reminder that in 3 years I won’t have the kids begging me to do a crazy thing like foster lambs – so I’m going to soak up all the sweet memories while I can.
The projects will go on and I will continue to put my best into each and every one of them, treating them like my own homes, but I’m also sticking to my new years goal of creating more memories with my family. Although, just like when the twins were born – we’re so tired, I’m not sure how much we’ll actually remember.